Grey squirrel posing on a tree in St James's Park, London
Grey squirrel posing on a tree in St James's Park, London
Massed tulips at Tulley's Farm
Massed tulips at Tulley's Farm
Bluebells in the wood
Bluebells in the wood
View across the lake in Kew Gardens
View across the lake in Kew Gardens
Spring bulbs in Kew Gardens
Spring bulbs in Kew Gardens
This little squirrel was so unafraid - almost posing for his photo
This little squirrel was so unafraid - almost posing for his photo
Flowers in the woodland
Flowers in the woodland
Magnolia buds just starting to open
Magnolia buds just starting to open
Botanists desk in the Wisley glasshouse
Botanists desk in the Wisley glasshouse
Brightly lit flower in the glasshouse
Brightly lit flower in the glasshouse
Apparently robins and wagtails have learned to use the automatic doors of the glasshouse, and come and go as they please.
Apparently robins and wagtails have learned to use the automatic doors of the glasshouse, and come and go as they please.
Tropical flower
Tropical flower
Lone crocus amongst the rocks
Lone crocus amongst the rocks
Roses around the garden door
Roses around the garden door
Roses behind the fountain
Roses behind the fountain
Bee in a poppy
Bee in a poppy
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